The Name Generators Collection

What types are there? Where can I find name generators for specific purposes such as computer game characters, baby names, company names, start-up names and new brand names? Are there also fun name generators for in between?

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Ideas and inspiration

If you are looking for names, titles or other designations, a name generator is a great place to find ideas and get inspired. Just start, because you can't do anything wrong!

What is worthwhile, what is not?

Name generators are a dime a dozen. Most of them are not really useful and only serve as a short pastime. Others promise a lot and look good, but are only there to lure customers for other services. Let's see which name generators are really up to snuff.

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Everything you need to know about name generators: What types are there? Where can I find a specific name generator for computer game characters, baby names, businesses, start-ups and new brand names? Are there also fun name generators for in between? And what alternatives are there if I prefer to entrust my naming to a thinking person?
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Funny name generators

Sometimes your own name is just too boring. Looking for an alter ego? Then name generators for funny names can offer a nice...