A company name or business designation is always required when someone becomes self-employed or establishes a company. In addition, company names can change when the business area changes, in the case of trademark disputes or in the case of company mergers.

But how do you find a company name? Most name generators on the internet are not suitable for professional name finding. Mostly they just create character names or combine random words together.


Find out with one click whether your business name idea is suitable for professional use. Simply enter your desired business or brand name. NameScore checks it for quality, suitability and usability.

Naming tools

However, there are also a few tools that are worthwhile for the business name search.

On the one hand, there are inspiration tools that help you find ideas. These include, for example, synonym tools that can be used to find semantically related terms. Antonyms (opposites) can also be helpful in brainstorming. Translation tools provide further ideas for terms relevant to the content in other languages. And a mind-map programme can be used to relate the ideas to each other so that no sliver of thought is lost.

For professional name finding, it is also important to check the name ideas. Most domain hosters, for example, offer tools for checking the availability of top-level domains. Anyone setting up a business or company should also make sure that the rights to the name have not already been assigned elsewhere. Here it is worth taking a look at the relevant trademark databases. And it also makes sense to check the availability of the name in social networks, as well as to take a look at existing Google results in order to estimate the effort required for search engine optimisation.

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Find the perfect name for your business

Create the cornerstone of your business: the perfect name. Unique, matching, and easy to remember.
Namefruits provides you with ideas and name checks with the help of artificial intelligence and over ten years of experience in creating names.

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Professional name generators for companies

Anyone who is afraid of the effort involved in juggling numerous tools and programmes from a wide range of providers should take a look at professional name generators for companies. One provider for business naming is NameRobot (https://www.namerobot.de): The portal provides numerous different tools for the entire naming process.

The search for a business or brand name is divided into five areas: Importing existing ideas, expanding the relevant terms, generating names with these keywords, checking the names and the final selection process. NameRobot combines all these points in one platform.

NameRobot ToolBox

Name finding for Do-It-Yourselfers

Try out every imaginable style and direction and find your favourite name generator. Determine exactly which kinds of names are to be suggested and then refine everything to suit your tastes.

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A test account is free and gives unlimited access to the inspiration tools in the word workshop. The flexible pricing model allows both founders and returning name finders to choose exactly the access that suits their needs.

Click here for the professional name generators from NameRobot.

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