Funny name generators

Sometimes your own name is just too boring. Looking for an alter ego? Then name generators for funny names can offer a nice change! Maybe you'll even come up with a few suggestions for alternative lifestyles?

Who hasn't always wanted to know what their name would be as a pirate, blues musician or vampire hunter? Fun name generators help you to switch off and forget the dreary daily routine.


Find out with one click whether your business name idea is suitable for professional use. Simply enter your desired business or brand name. NameScore checks it for quality, suitability and usability.

But fun name generators can also be useful. If you're still looking for a costume idea for Halloween or carnival, or if you need a cool character for the next costume party, you can get plenty of ideas here with just a few clicks. Cosplayers and furries can also put together as many animal, beast and nature spirit names as they like.

A large collection of funny name generators can be found at NameRobot FUN. A not entirely serious pastime that is great for procrastinating...

NameRobot ToolBox

Name finding for Do-It-Yourselfers

Try out every imaginable style and direction and find your favourite name generator. Determine exactly which kinds of names are to be suggested and then refine everything to suit your tastes.

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Funny name generators

Sometimes your own name is just too boring. Looking for an alter ego? Then name generators for funny names can offer a nice...