A name generator cannot always help. Especially if you are looking for a professional name in a business environment, you may not have the time to deal intensively with finding a name. Or you may be so deeply involved in your project that you "can't see the wood for the trees" and can't find the necessary distance to develop a suitable name. Or maybe you simply don't see your strengths in the complex search for names, but would rather concentrate on your core business.


Find out with one click whether your business name idea is suitable for professional use. Simply enter your desired business or brand name. NameScore checks it for quality, suitability and usability.

Fortunately, you do not have to rely on the use of name generators when searching for business names. There are alternatives for those who want to outsource the naming process:

Use Naming Services

A simple option for professional naming without a name generator is to use an online naming service. This can be easily commissioned online and then runs through an automated process: you complete a written briefing by providing information about your naming project. A team of professional name finders then develops several individual name suggestions for you on this basis.

The advantage of this solution is that the process is particularly efficient due to the automated handling. You can have your name in your hands after just one week. The well thought-out and tried-and-tested briefing questionnaire ensures that the name ideas have been matched exactly to your requirements. And legal research is also included to ensure that your name is not already taken.

One provider of naming services, for example, is NameRobot's name generator portal. NameRobot uses the expertise behind the development of business name generators to offer individual naming services at the same time. At the same time, the team has a broad arsenal of intelligent name generators at its disposal. This ensures that creative ideas can be reliably developed that lead to unique names.

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Find the perfect name for your business

Create the cornerstone of your business: the perfect name. Unique, matching, and easy to remember.
Namefruits provides you with ideas and name checks with the help of artificial intelligence and over ten years of experience in creating names.

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Hire a naming agency

If an online naming service does not promise enough individuality, it is advisable to go to a professional naming agency. For particularly important projects in the business environment, personal advice and many years of expertise are the be-all and end-all.

A naming agency like Namestorm bring knowledge and experience from countless well-known projects. The creative professionals use this know-how for your projects. Personal support, legal examination and a focus on the elaboration of your individual strengths are at the centre of naming by an agency.

NameRobot ToolBox

Name finding for Do-It-Yourselfers

Try out every imaginable style and direction and find your favourite name generator. Determine exactly which kinds of names are to be suggested and then refine everything to suit your tastes.

Learn more


If you trust the masses, you can ask the swarm intelligence: name ideas can also be developed on numerous crowdsourcing portals.

The advantage: Here you get direct feedback from the potential target group. Their name is already available for discussion directly in the development phase.

The disadvantage: With corwdsourcing, neither the expertise of professional name finders nor the industry knowledge from your own ranks can be used. Instead, name suggestions are made by complete strangers. You have to decide for yourself whether you want to take the risk.

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Funny name generators

Sometimes your own name is just too boring. Looking for an alter ego? Then name generators for funny names can offer a nice...